Change of the chairman of the board of the company

It is important for businessmen operating in Poland to strictly observe the status of a manager. Responsibility for the obligations of the company rests with the head, who acts in the status of a private person. In Poland, executive duties are vested in the public administration (Zarząd spółki).

Change of the chairman

  • Preparation of documents for the shift
  • Quick changes to KRS
  • Accompanying in government agencies

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Changing Prezesa zarządu

The sole management of the company in Poland is called Prezes zarządu. For the appointment, change or recall of the ruler, a general meeting of owners (founders) is held. The chairman of the board can be appointed for a maximum of 5 years. During this period, the chairman and members of the board receive a mandate to conduct management activities. After this period, the powers are canceled. That is, the leadership is reappointed.

The law states that only individuals who have reached the age of majority and are legally capable have the right to appoint management personnel. The management of the Polish company is appointed on the basis of written consent. The supervisor can relieve himself of the authority to apply in writing.

A person who has been convicted in Poland cannot become a leader. This information is checked in the database before being approved by the manager. Both residents of the country and foreign citizens can manage a Polish company.

Management activity is possible only if you have a PESEL number. Foreigners need to get it without fail.

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